Sabtu, 06 Februari 2010


1. Positive Affirmations

Our subconscious mind is a wonderful tool in determining the success or failure. He'll do what we tell and depends on the thoughts we enter. So, why not give positive thoughts into your mind. Here are some examples of affirmations you can feed your inner mind to achieve success:

* Today I will succeed, because I have faith, courage, and enthusiasm.

* I see failure as a signpost on the road to success.

* When I feel depressed, I will relax and release the pressure before the next task.

* I'll write down my priorities, thinking about responsibility. Maybe I was not able to finish everything, but I will do the most productive thing at every moment there.

* I am a winner, I work for a winning organization, and because of contribution and cooperation we will keep on winning.

* Today, I see opportunity in every challenge offered to me.

2. Positive language

Recent research shows that 75% of the daily conversation is negative, whether the language we use verbal or body language. We need to communicate with a positive attitude at all times.

Here are some examples of how you can turn negative words into positive communication:

* Instead of saying "a problem", called the "opportunity"

* Rather than consider an action as a "failure", described as "learning experience".

* Instead of saying "I have to", say "I choose to ..." This will control the actions back to you.

* Instead of saying, "There's nothing I can do", saying, "Let us look at the alternatives".

* Instead of saying "That's me", saying, "I chose a different approach".

* Instead of saying, "He made me mad", saying, "I control my feelings".

3. Practice

A Gallup survey found men and women who have been practicing:

* 66% reported a more relaxed life

* 62% find new energy sources

* 55% less stress

* 51% better performance

* 46% more confident

* 45% of life a better love

* 44% satisfaction greater job

* 37% more creative on the job.

These are great motivators to exercise! When you feel demotivated, give your body. Research shows that taking the time three times a week for 15 minutes, providing great effect.

4. Taking Risks

We live in our comfort zone, avoid situations that create risks, avoid potential failures. However, to face the competition in front and control the change of life, you have to get out of your comfort zone. Start with one simple step. Trying something new small, with a different approach. Simple way by taking different routes to and from work. Occasionally I like to go through the "road less traveled" to hone creativity. Then, keep stepping outside your zone. At first may seem uncomfortable. However, the more you do, the more it will seem natural and you will see an increase in the core of creativity and opportunities you never thought about before.

5. Positive Reading

Read the lives of successful people. Make sure you only read that reflects the success of all time. Not the "success today, scandal tomorrow" that we have today. People like Herb Kelleher (Southwest Airlines), Fred Smith (Federal Express), Mary Kay Ash (Mary Kay), Benjamin Franklin, Abraham Lincoln, Mahatma Gandhi, and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., is a good example. They are the people who face many challenges, created real value for others, or change other people's lives for the better.

6. Positive Visualization

Condition yourself to paint your vision of success. One of the best ways to do is to:

* Go to a quiet place in the home or other places. Turn off the radio, television and so on.

* Sit in a comfortable chair and relax the mind.

* Start thinking about goals you want to accomplish. Remember, visualize as if you have achieved this goal.

* Visualizing the important steps taken to achieve success. The better your visualization, where you will see, feel, hear, and touch the vision, the more real for you.

* Visualization challenges that arise in your journey and how to handle it.

* Visualize how it felt to complete this goal. Visualize the benefits that you, your family, friends, colleagues, get. Enjoy the moment!

Important to remember: If you do not take time to see it, it will not happen!

7. Think Big

See the big picture in everything we do. A lot of time wasted on things that are not important in our lives. We were created to make a difference. We make a difference for families, communities, organizations, and ourselves. All our actions must be done with this concept in mind. Think a little bigger today than yesterday, and you will make the future better the next day. Thinking big leads to great actions. Thinking small leads to small results. So Think BIG!.

8. Set Goals

The fastest way to fail in life is not made clear goals. Set goals for financial, family, health, spiritual, and careers. Your goal should be tight with the SMART technique.

* S - Specific

* M - Measurable (can be measured)

* A - Attainable (achievable)

* R - Realistic

* T - Time-based (time base)

For example, you have a goal of achieving $ 2 million for retirement in the next twenty years. After doing research, your SMART goals are:

"I'll get a $ 2 million for retirement in the year 2024. I will do this by contributing $ 20K, or $ 1667 per month, for a pension fund per year. From $ 20K per year, $ 2k will be stored in the IRA and $ 18 went into the program retirement organization. "

Remember the most detail you can add, the more realistic your goal.

9. Positive Appearance

Super achievers are very careful about their appearance and their movements. They know that looking good translates into feeling good. Billy Crystal, star of screen and Saturday Night Life, never played a character known by the words, "better to look good than to feel good." What he was really saying is the concept of "fake it until you succeed". In other words, when we feel sad, then think positively and your mind will tell your body to act positively. Also always dress of an achiever. Follow the style of dress, actions, and behaviors of successful people and reflects the value of long-term success of the success of these people. It will also tell your mind that you are an achiever.

10. Helping each other

Develop a desire to help each other. Share your talents without expecting rewards, awards or recommendation. And your good deeds secret.

If you apply the techniques to help others, are automatically returned to you many times over. First, the pleasure of having a particular talent that can make other people's lives better. Second, because you are not looking for him, the words about you and your kindness will spread. This is to be translated into opportunities and unexpected wealth. Third, you'll get a level of confidence that the new pages where you can make a difference. Super achievers find motivation and meaning by helping others.

Source: Ed Skyes, a speaker, writer, and trainer in the field of leadership, motivation, stress management, customer service and team building.

1 komentar:

  1. aku suka bangt sm dewi kirana lagu, yg yg plng aku sk wong lanang lara atine', sukses trsss bt dewi kirana
