Rabu, 03 Februari 2010


In everyday life, people are always in need of
leaders. In the household life necessary to
leader or head of the Family. There in a State President.

This all shows how important the position of leader in a
community, both in small scale especially large scale.

From the introduction above, once felt and imagined how the
view of the "leader" who has a position very
important, therefore anyone who becomes a leader should not be
and not to abuse his leadership to the things that
not true.

Therefore, the leaders and people led to understand
the nature of leadership in-depth view of the following:

1. Responsibility, Not Features.

When a person appointed or designated to preside over an institution
or institution, so he actually carry a big responsibility
as a leader who should be able to account for mempertanggung,.

Not only of men but also before God. Because
that office in all levels or levels is not a
privilege so that a leader or official can not
feel a special human being that he felt should be
favored and he was very angry when others do not
privileging himself.

2. Sacrifice, No Facilities

Being a leader or officer is not to enjoy the luxury or
pleasures of life with a pleasant worldly facilities,
but instead he must be willing to make sacrifices and show the sacrifice, let alone
when he leads the community in difficult conditions and
very difficult.

Since it became strange when the state budget or
provincial and below levels that are within budget
tens and even hundreds of millions to buy clothing for officials,
when he was able to buy clothes at a great price
even with his own money before he became the leader or official.

3. Work Hard, Not Relax.

The leaders have a big responsibility to deal with and
overcome various problems that plague society
lead to further direct the lives of the people to
can live a good life and true and to achieve progress and

For that, the leaders are required to work hard with full sincerity
and optimism.

4. Serve, not arbitrary.

Leaders are servants to those they lead, because it becomes
leader or official means a great authority for
can serve the community with better services from the leader

Therefore, every leader must have vision and mission of service
against the people they lead to improve the welfare
life, this means there is no desire at all to membohongin
people let alone sell the people, speaking on behalf of the people or
when in fact the people's interests for the sake of self, family
or golongannya.
If there are such leaders in our lives, then this is
The greatest betrayal.

5. Exemplary and pioneering, not Megan.

In all forms of goodness, a leader should be
exemplary and vanguard, rather than a yes-man who does not have
attitudes toward the values of truth and goodness. When a leader
called for honesty to the people they lead, then he has
demonstrate honesty. When he called for a simple life in
about the matter, then he shows the simplicity rather than luxury.
Very demanding community of leaders who can be a pioneer
and example in goodness and truth ..

From the explanation above, we can realize how important the position of
leaders for a society, therefore let us not be wrong
elect a leader, both in the lowest level such as
head house tanggai, the RT, the mosque committee, especially village heads and sub-district head
reached a high level such as parliamentarians, regents or mayors,
governors, ministers and presidents.

Therefore, the people who have proved unable to lead,
misuse of leadership for the mission that is not true and the people
which we doubt can lead to well and towards the good,
not feasible for us to entrust a leader.

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